Senin, 16 Desember 2019

Video Editor

    Video Editor

      Video editor is the person responsible for the editing process, in which of the many original stock images or footage arranged in such a way and converted into a new version of the image.
Editor is a term for someone who works as an expert in cutting video and audio images. A good editor not only arranges images according to the script or what the director wants, but the editor should also be emotionally involved with the video to be edited.

Characteristics of the Video Editor
1.  Has a story line
In order to make the editing work according to what was predicted from all object movements, it is necessary to ensure that it moves to the rhythm directed from one piece of the image to the next.

2.    Maintain a line of sight
Crossing the line of sight of each object in a scene can surprise the viewer to the viewer and disrupt the storyline.

3.     Move from large images to details
The task of editing is what gives an overview of the general conditions into a scene into details that occur in it.

4.   Keep an eye on image continuity
Continuity in video means clothes, players, and styles that continue to be the same as the styles that are reality of a scene from a program.

5.     Connector
Between the two images we insert a connecting image to help prevent two shots from jumping, so that the natural impression of a movement can occur.

6. Length and time of the image
With so many variations of images and different times, an editor needed to think in choosing an image so that the duration is right at the time of airing.

7.  Transition

Consisting of wipes, fades, and dissolves is a transition commonly used in the editing process, to help give the impression that is desired in the script. To connect a place and event with different distance and time, dissolve can be used, fade is used to change the atmosphere.

please download an example from the video editor

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